Friday, January 15, 2010

bed rest

I had another ultrasound yesterday. It had been over three weeks since I had seen the twins so I was super excited to see them again! They did all sorts of measurements to make sure everything still looks good...and it does! God continues to bless us in this way and we are SO thankful.

BUT, my doctor did put me on modified bed rest, which pretty much means I shouldn't do anything that I don't HAVE to do. It's just a precaution. I asked. He normally puts everyone with twins on bed rest at 24 weeks. I made it to 29 1/2 since my um, cervix, ahem, is so wonderful! =)

So again, we see God's perfect timing and His working through all this. Jason being home makes this bed rest a million times easier. A million!

When I told the doctor that I had a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old at home he said, "hmm, not sure how you're gonna do bed rest with a 1-year-old." It was nice to be able to say that my husband is at home to help.

When he heard that Jason had been laid off he was super sweet and went and filled out a "fee waiver" form for us. I didn't even know they had that! What a blessing!

a new beginning

On December 29th, Jason got laid off again. On the outside it might seem like a terrible time for him to get laid off, what with the babies due in two months and all. But actually it's been a huge blessing!

Having him home is SO nice. SO nice! The last couple of weeks we've been trying to decide what to do. This puts moving on hold a little bit...we can't very well rent somewhere else with no income. Since we DON'T have a mortgage right now, we can totally survive on unemployment. Because of this, we've decided to make a go at starting our own business...kinda. It's something we've been wanting to do for a while, so we're gonna give it a shot, at least until after the twins are born. Then, we'll see what happens!

God has been so incredibly faithful to us...we're excited to see what He does in coming months!

happy birthday to me!

I had a really fantastic birthday! We celebrated after Jason got off work with just our little family...they're my three favorite people in the world!

We went to BJ's for dinner. YUM!

When we got home I opened my gifts. Jason tricked me with an empty bag.

He tricked me with THIS....

So, so fun! We've been enjoying a lot of Band Hero fun!

Nice, I know!

My birthday cake was a Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake from Costco...this thing is AMAZING!