I'm at the peak of one of the tallest mountain tops right now. I'm elated. I'm ecstatic! My heart is bursting with joy!
Why you ask? We found out yesterday that our baby is not just one baby, but TWO! We're having identical twins. And I couldn't be happier!
As I ponder how happy I am, I can't help but think of the so many Christians who are going through valleys right now. I follow three blogs really closely that are written by Christian moms who have suffered terrible heartache.
Patrice lost her first baby at birth and her second baby was born with EB.
Cari lost her baby girl (10 months old I think) almost a year ago to SIDS. And
Lindsay lost her only child to SIDS about three weeks ago (he was only four months old). It's heartbreaking to read these stories. And yet I go back day after day. These three women struggle to continue believing. They grasp to any small truth about God that they can. Yet in the midst of their heartache they TRUST what He's doing in their lives.
It's a reminder to me that things don't always happen at the top of mountains. Many times we walk through valleys, clinging to the truth of God's Word. I, myself have been through some of those valleys. We lost a baby to miscarriage almost two years ago. We THOUGHT we had lost this baby a couple months ago. Those are difficult valleys to walk through. Yet in the midst of it God brings His peace and comfort.
So, right now I'll rejoice on this mountain top! I'll cherish these moments of utter joy! But I'll remember that the valleys will come. And when they do, I pray that I will be able to continue to worship and praise God for what He's doing!